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Since my 7th and 8th graders recently created dilations based on their own images, I thought it would be easy for them to do some giant ones.
BWMS students collaborated to come up with several African American leaders/celebrities that could be showcased in our upcoming Black History Month luncheon.
We eventually settled on Wiz Khalifa, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Tyler Perry (as Madea), Jay Z / Beyonce and our resident SRO: Officer James Lawson (you can see the original 4x6 photos below)
Each class received a different celebrity, and each student received a different piece of the puzzle. I drew a 1x1 grid over the photograph, and then xeroxed it, enlarged it and cut it up to give each student a piece. I then utilized a lot of teamwork with my students so that they could work together and achieve the best looking art. (A big push was telling them that their work would be Tweeted on the celebrities wall so that they should do a great job)SO I ended up assigning one person per column of co-ordinates to make sure everyone in their column had artwork that matched up in proportion and value. For example, my "A" captain oversaw all of the students that had grid pieces that had "A" on it. I also had myone assistant who made sure all captains worked together and made a great grid piece
I documented my students' progress using the IPad's Stop Motion app. Pretty neat, especially if using your IPhone as a remote. I just wish I had more photos to go with it as it is pretty fast
Check out the work that they did below! I am so proud of their teamwork and ability to dilate a photograph with value so well