
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Greek Column art by printing from meat trays


A modified lesson plan that was shown to me from Dick Blick allows students to carve into styrofoam meat trays and print with them

 The first thing that the students did was study the three styles of Greek columns: Doric, Ionic & Corinthian.The students came up with two sketches a piece, picked their best one and drew that on a piece of paper. The drawings were then taped down to a styrofroam meat tray and were redrawn to press the image into the styrofoam.

The students then studied prints, reliefs and carving techniques. I urged them that they were basically creating  a rubber stamp. Whatever they wanted to print, they need to carve out everything around it using an X-acto knife.

 Once the carving was done, the students used a palette knife to scoop out block printing ink or acrylic paint onto the stytrofoam. The brayer rolled the ink/paint around to level out the medium and cover over the styrofoam.

The students would then press the styrofoam onto a piece of paper and print the image as many times as possible until their print ran dry.

 Once their prints were dry, they cut them out and arranged them on a 18x24 piece of black paper. My fellow art teacher recommended them utilizing some of the old text books. so the students ripped up pages from books to create a background for the prints.

Once their background was filled, the students then glued these prints down and arrange them in an eye catching composition.




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